

Committee Author

Regular Author



Additional Paper

Early-Birds Fee

$ 500

$ 520

$ 540

$ 420

$ 320

$ 400

Regular Fee

$ 530

$ 550

$ 570

$ 450

$ 350

$ 400


 One regular author registration can cover a paper's publication within six pages, including all figures, tables, and references and 1 conference attendance.
 It will be available if the paper's page exceed 6 pages, but extra page fee will be charged for 50 USD per page.
 If co-author wants to attend the conference, please register as the Delegate. About the Delegate registration, please contact with the conference secretary by email.
 One regular registration with one or more additional papers has only ONE book and 1 people for the conference attendance. Student fee is ONLY applicable for students who are FIRST authors.
 The early bird will be closed on December 05, 2024.
 Additional paper registration requires that two papers have the same FIRST authors.

Registration Details for Online Attendance

 Online Author's Registration Fee: Publication Fee, 15 Minutes' Presentation Time, E-version of Certificate, E-version of Conference Paper Collections, E-version of Conference Proceedings, etc.
 Online Presenter's Registration Fee: 15 Minutes' Presentation Time, E-version of Certificate, E-version of Conference Paper Collections, E-version of Conference Proceedings, etc.

Exclusion of Liability

The Conference Organizer will not be held responsible for participants' failure to attend the conference directly or indirectly occasioned by visa application deny, riots, diseases or any conditions beyond the control of the Conference Organizer. And thus, the conference registration fee cannot be refunded.

Refund Policy

 70% refund (minus an administrative fee of 30% registration fee) if cancellation received before February 05, 2025.
 No refund if cancellation, received after February 05, 2025.

Conference Site Safety Policy

In the consideration of the personal and property security belonging to conference participants, please be sure to take the attendance cards during the conference. Unauthorized persons are not permitted to enter the venue. The conference organizers won't accept liability for personal injuries, or for loss or damage of property belonging to conference participants.